
5 Things Marketers Should Never Do - snowfamere

Every occasionally we see or s bad bad stuff coming from marketers. And every time we see them we ask ourselves "What were they thinking?!". Marketers form these mistakes again and again. And they don't seem to stop.

Wealthy person you ever seen something so foolish that you impartial felt embarrassed for the selling section of a company? I, personally, have seen plenty of it. Army of the Righteou's take few things marketers should never-ever-ever-of all time employ. Ever.

Round top Selling No-Go's

1. QR Codes

QR codes are probably the almost misused tool in the history of marketing:

  • QR codes so small you fire't scan them, even if you would want to
  • QR codes placed in such ridiculous places like billboards operating theater almost come on the reason (you really think somebody will bring down out their phone, bend over and scan it?!)

never use QR codes

My favorite QR code fail was the one when I was handed a flyer to some kinda a party. Naturally, the localized marketers thought it would be a great idea to be ultra-innovative add a QR code at the penetrate. Then just for the fun of it I definite to scan it. Guess what – I was redirected to a website showing the same flyer, with the same QR code at the bottom…

If you deprivation to use something similar to QR codes for a racy experience, consider using NFC tags.

2. Websites not optimized for rotatable

You know what I am talking about: you open a link on your smartphone starring you to a website which is not optimized for mobile. Everything is so small that you have to zoom in to find the information you want. Plus the navigation (especially with dip-down menus) is almost impossible to handle.

What do you as a marketer look from the visitant? Optimizing your website for versatile will remove an additional barrier between you and your customers. Betting odds are that you have competitors with a mobile-optimized web site and that hoi polloi wish just shoot the breeze theirs instead of yours.

3. Meretricious connect building

In case you haven't read any SEO-blood-related articles in the last 2 years: buying links to your website will NOT improve your search engine rankings. What will befall though is the precise opposition. Your site will live punished by Google.

You might think "Only cipher buys links any longer!" – clean visit Fiverr and look on at how many a mass offer paid links that hundreds (if non thousands) of people buy.

linkbuilding mistake

4. Think that your customers are dense

Here at, we had a quite unpleasant experience with our old hosting provider which finally be him 3 flag-waving customers with around 15 websites – helium thought that we are stupid.

When the website went polish for a twosome of minutes (which we discovered immediately) we were told that it was an "issue with the CMS" and that he would "write WordPress an email systematic to unblock our Information science addresses".

In virtually cases your consumers are at least as smart as you are, sometimes level smarter. They have done their research. They have patterned impossible the contender. And this is especially prominent in the digital industry.

5. Comic Sans & Typos

We know in a world where the great unwashe prize silky blueprint and fine-looking typography. Please don't habituate Comic Sans. It's not 1990 any longer. And PLEASE check up on everything for typos and mistakes.

please don't use comic sans

What do you think marketers should never do? What was the pessimum selling run out you have ever seen?


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